Thursday, July 28, 2011

Running whilst socializing...

9.5 miles
1 hour 20
mid 80s 7pm

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Great evening to run. Ran with my good friend from high school, Brad, on the lakefront. Though I've largely avoided the people-watching exercise in self-consciousness of lakefront running thus far in my training, Brad convinced me to give it a try. Biggest benefits are guaranteed periodic water breaks, and almost no stops for cars. It's truly a pedestrian's dream.

We chatted the whole time, which is something I'm not used to, since I've run mostly solo since I was a kid. It was great to catch up with Brad, and the conversation made the miles go by pretty fast, but running and talking is considerably more challenging to the lungs than running and listening to the ipod in my mind. Also, Brad is a marathon machine. He's run one each of the last four or five years and does a regular pace almost a minute faster than mine. He is a machine. So I was a little macho trying to keep up the pace. I think the chatting caused the time to pass quickly enough, and the distance was just at the threshold of my comfort zone, so it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.

We ran 4 miles from Montrose and Lakeshore to a spot he knew as a mile marker, then back. But my run began when I left home and ran around the park at Montrose Harbor trying to figure out where we'd agreed to meet. Then a real easy jog home made the full 9.5.

1.) Lakefront running is not so bad. The lack of traffic stops, abundance of water stops, and the cool lake breeze made it a really straightforward run.
2.) Partner running isn't so bad either. It may take some of the focus off my stride when I'm starting to lose form, but then again, it also takes the focus off the pain. And conversation is a lot better than my minds ipod, which must be a crappy older version and always seems to get stuck on particular phrases of particularly awful songs for long stretches.
3.) Brad is a badass. Don't ever try to outrun him. You will be embarrassed. (I once saw him carry a keg of beer on his shoulder for 35 miles, running in the sand!***)

***At least part of that is a true story.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Running with Sliced Oranges...

4.2 miles

Mid 80s before 7 pm game time
40 minutes

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I ran from home to my kickball game today. Our team is pretty good, for a kickball team. We’re third place in a league of 10 or so teams. So for being so good, I thought I’d reward them with a classic sports snack of sliced oranges. I realized after I sent Nicki to the store that this meant that I would have to carry said oranges on my person somehow while also running. Optimistic that I could pull it off, I put the oranges in a supplemental plastic bag and wrapped them up in my game t-shirt and wrapped that around my waist, and off I went.

It only took about 4 blocks before I gave up, realizing that the weight would continue to sag and bounce on my butt as the t-shirt dampened with sweat. I didn’t want the oranges to bounce on my butt. So the only option was to carry them. And so I did the entire rest of the way, alternating hands when my gait became too awkward.

Turns out there’s no good way to run with six oranges worth of orange slices. But I'm the Treasurer and Vice Pres. of the Awkward Club in my mind, so it suits me.

And we lost the game despite extra Vitamin C.

I take my A & P final tomorrow, then it’s 2 ½ weeks without class before I dive into nursing school proper. Off to study.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer in Glen Ellyn...

5.7 miles

Hot day, Low 90’s, humid as can be

Mid afternoon

Just under an hour

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Ran in Glen Ellyn this weekend. Nicki was dogsitting for mom and dad who are in Washington hiking up some good stories for us. Also got to see a couple cute babies that live out in these parts.

Ran with Nicki for about 2.5 miles past the Dairy Queen. This is the store where she worked when we were 16 or 17. We first got to know each other there and she let me make Blizzards with my friends behind the counter when her boss wasn't around. We were a lot cooler back then.

Walked a good bit on my run. Ran over to my parent's shop to say hi and see my dad, Aunt Candy was there too. She called me crazy for running in the swampy weather and offered me a ride back to Nicki’s, which, I have to admit, I felt a bit crazy turning down. Chugged some water and ran back.

By the time I got there, Nicki was about to hop in the car with a cold water bottle to come find me. I had spent too much time chatting and she figured I might have parked myself somewhere to quietly suffer heatstroke. Its good to have someone looking out for you.

Here's one of the cute kids we hung out with this weekend.

And now there's only one other baby around here that I can't wait to meet...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Total Dehydration Masochism...

12.2 miles

7 pm

Just over 2 hours, several minutes of extra walking.

100.2° heat index

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It was a successful run with a few—let’s say—“technical errors” that manifested in some “hardship.” For one, I got mixed around with an unclear route on the last few miles once I hit the lake near Loyola. I tried to find a path along the lake, but only found sand, which I gingerly traversed as to not get too much into my shoes until I found pavement again. This was a stumbling block in my planning, causing unnecessary slowdown when I needed to be pushing through. But this was not my only planning failure on this, my longest run so far.

Before that, running along the river, abundant water was available, but on the 2.5 miles from river to lake and another mile south on Sheridan, no public water was close at hand. My legs were doing the work alright, but I was starting to get a little too thirsty for comfort. I realized that I was probably still a bit dehydrated from Sean and Stacy’s wedding only two days before.

I contemplated sneaking between houses and turning on a water hose, but decided not to stop for fear of not making it back, only about halfway into the twelve miles or, in other words, as far away from home as possible. In retrospect, I wish I had braved a possible trespassing charge.

Once I hit the lake path, water was around, the sun was down, there was a cool wind blowing, and I only had a few miles to go. And after passing Wilson and crossing under Lakeshore Drive at Montrose, I started to notice a pain in my foot which I hoped was not some kind of annoying fracture that would plague the rest of my training. It was noticeable enough to stop me after Montrose and Broadway, less than a half mile from home.

I had finished. My body was telling me in general fashion how reprehensible my leadership over it had been in the last two hours, but I had done it with no major apparent injury, nonetheless.

I showered and chugged about 3 water bottles full of water and lay down for a few minutes before I had to skedaddle for work at 10:30. And it was at work when my body exacted its revenge.

A little background first: Working the night shift is hard enough. With varying schedules and token days off, where one’s sleep schedule is reversed completely for a day before starting another work period more tired than when one finished the last one, one is always tired. And today happened to be the start of a 3-day work stretch, which meant I had woken up for class around 6:30 am, tried unsuccessfully to nap in the sweltering afternoon heat, ran 12 miles, and then went to work, expecting to then go to class again in the morning immediately following work. (Now, I’m no martyr, I’m only relating this to show how justified the following description of my body’s reaction was to that whole “ran 12 miles” part. This decision clearly doesn’t fit well into the series of events surrounding it, and was, incidentally, the most optional portion thereof. Perhaps I was just taking the venture of overcoming my inner older brother a bit too far, but suffice to say, it was dumb.)

The headache started as soon as I got up from my brief laydown, and didn’t go away until I got back in the morning and took some ibuprofen. My calf muscles, utterly limp, refused to function in any capacity on ascents or descents of stairs. After a stretch of a few tormented 5-10 minute naps on my break, I was subject to a bout of uncontrollable shivering. All night, I had a strange tingling and tightness around my eyes and nose—still completely inexplicable to me. And whenever anyone asked me “how’s it going,” I was completely unable to find a truthful, or even appropriate answer, opting for something like, “Geez...I…I’m not sure.” This was met on more than one occasion with confused looks and follow up questions that I was also unable to answer.

Everything went well, though. I chugged water all night, bypassing the coffee that I so desperately wanted, until I peed again and knew that I’d be alright. I even sat through almost the whole class the next morning.

I tell this story as lesson to all you kiddies out there who drink too much at weddings and work the night shift and go to class in the mornings while also randomly deciding to train for a marathon like an idiot (you know who you are).

Don’t do that. Or at least, don’t do all of that. The best options are to take out the drinking thing or the running thing. One or the other. Not both. Your body will be totally pissed. You do NOT want to upset your body.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time flies...

5.4 miles

Low 80s, midday

Not sure how long...

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Nicki ran with me this morning and I didn't bring my watch or look at the time when I left. Thusly, I have no idea how long it took me to run those miles. We ran along the lake, though, which I rarely do. And it was fun even. Nicki buggered off at Lawrence and I kept going for a bit.

Along the way, I passed the Sun Wah BBQ on Winnemac and almost snuck in their back door to steal some food, it smelled so good. Again, a reminder that I need to eat sufficiently before my runs.

Here's a taste of the path we ran along.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Take'r easy...

4.2 miles

36 minutes

Cool down and relax the joints run, midday

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I also picked up some Chondroitin/Glucosamine complex supplements to help with my hips and knees. Hopefully, it'll do the trick.

Today was nice. Calm and easy. I went out for the run before getting ready to go to a Flaming Lips concert at the Aragon Ballroom (right in our neighborhood) with some friends. The run was a nice prelude to a fun night. A little taste of what came after my run: dinner and drinks at our place with the Krieth boys and girl, then walking over to the theater to see a guy walk over his fans in a giant globe, among other things. I attached a video that will give you the gist of it. Nicki and I and our friend, Pauly, are on the arched balcony behind the "ball" at 1:40. I'm pretty sure you see Nicki's arms flailing about shortly thereafter.

Is it irony or coincidence that the song is "Race for the Prize". I'm not good at English.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just Ten Miles to the Runner's High...

10.6 miles

1 hour 35 minutes

Mid 80's around 6pm

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On this, my longest run so far, I was optimistic and prepared. I set out the door and off around 6pm, leaving the above map for Nicki to see in case I was attacked by annoying North-siders or succumbed to the distance. I decided to forego the normal isometric stretching routine that I usually perform after my first 10 minutes (I've been running in 10 minute intervals, walking for a minute thereafter before running again, as prescribed by the Team to End AIDS training program). Instead, I started out my run with some warmup exercises I used to do in soccer, all motion-based, during a slow first ten minutes. I think this is what kept me going the whole way.

I had a good route picked out which took me along the river, as you can see, from Devon all the way to Irving Park. As suspected, its a great stretch to run. There's water fountains periodically throughout the parks, people doing sports, grass, and a persistent smell of the fetid waters of the Chicago river. All in all, totally pleasant. I even ran into one of the nurses I work with running the other direction.

By about mile 8, though, my hip was hurting and my knees felt achy. Then less than a mile from home, running down Berteau Ave. underneath the Brown Line, a strange thing started happening. I noticed my vision becoming kind of myopic and weird sensation of detachment. Was this runner's high? I do not know, as I don't indulge in runner's drugs(PCP?).

But after getting home and inhaling some delicious food that Nicki made before going to work, I felt WAY better than I had when I walked through the door. I decided this strange sensation was probably more like extreme hypoglycemia, as in my body deciding not to work because it didn't have enough "nutrients." I have a very obstinate body, it seems.

10 mile barrier overcome.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Overcoming your personal economy...

Please take a look at my fundraising page:

I am raising funds for a great organization, The AIDS Foundation of Chicago, in concurrence with my training schedule. I'm going to need some help to reach my goal, as it is substantial. I figure if I put in the miles, I can let everyone else put in the cash. I will show you how many miles I put in and under what circumstances and you can put in the cash you think this is worth.

If that's not interesting enough to anyone, I have a few extra incentives:

  • I'll be putting together a list of items/activities that you can "purchase," including, but not limited to, a raceday phone call at the mile marker of your choice, or a chalk graffiti of your choice drawn by me on a run and documented for the blog.

  • I'll also be selling advertising space on my sweaty skin on race day which can be leased by businesses and private citizens alike--pricing and rules to come.

  • Finally, I'll be setting up a raffle of some great items for larger donations including a series of painting donated by Ross Felten, and a personalized song written about you or the individual of your choice by the creative writing major/adman/award-winning songwriter/soon-to-be father, Tim Rausch.

  • Details next week...

Thanks for looking at the words I wrote. Consider donating to a great cause for my sake, or to get some great stuff.

Chicago Hail Storm 2011 (Golf ball size hail and up)

Video from the storm in which I found myself completely amped up to be nearly killed. I was not able to dodge all god's heavenly projectiles, but escaped without major damage.

Overcoming your mother, nature...


5.7 miles
8:30 pm--45 minutes,W+Sunnyside+Ave+%26+N+Beacon+St,+Chicago,+IL+60640&gl=us&ei=pDoNToPdJ46RgQeJpYTcDQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ8gEwAA

Yellow/brown sky at outset, windy with twigs, then branches falling on the path.

Lightning coming closer and closer, then the thunder getting closer and closer in time to the lightning, till several times I was worried that I might become electrocuted by nature.

Nicki watching weather reports of supercell tornadoes, then turning off computers, gathering flashlights, pondering why I chose to run now.

Then rain started (1 mi. from home), then torrential rain (.6 mi. from home), then hail (.4 mi), then big hail (.3 mi.) , then a bonk on the head (.2 mi) with hail which made me worry that I might be bludgeoned to death by nature and forced me to stop a block (.1 mi.) from home.

Then after thinking that the hail was diminishing in size and perhaps letting up, I made a run for it (literally the last 150 yds. around the corner and home) and was completely blinded by the amount of water falling through the air.

Also noticed, at that point, the stench of raw sewage flowing up from underground…yuck. But wow.

What a run!